Pre-Christmas home updates… that are still achievable!

Pre-Christmas home updates… that are still achievable!

Being a tile company we often experience a pre-Christmas rush in about October. Our products are well suited to kitchens, bathrooms and large floor spaces so any big project which requires large quantities of tiles takes place then to achieve completion for the big date… Christmas! Eeeeekkkkk! So what about small updates to your home, is there still time to achieve those before guests start arriving and the presents start stacking up. Of course! Here are 5 quick and easy updates you can make to your humble abode just in time for Santa.

#1 Add or replace your cloakroom splashback
Cloakrooms are among one of the smallest rooms in a home, so as a DIY project adding or replacing a splashback should be a doddle! Our Town & Country range is perfect for adding simplicity and style to any cloakroom. 

Town & Country Bathroom Brick Effect Tiles

#2 Jazz up your porch floor
As far as floor space is concerned porches are often, like cloakrooms, small and for this quick fix that’s great! Shoreditch measures 44.2x44.2cm and really packs a punch in terms of affordability and statement style. If you have a compact porch which totals under 1.2 M2 then just one box will do it, bargain! 

Shoreditch patten Tiles 

#3 Rip up the tired carpet or cheap laminate in offices come guest bedrooms
We all know the drill, guests are coming to town so strip out the office and erect the make shift bed. While you’re at it why not rip out the worn carpet or limp laminate and tile the space for a longer lasting and robust finish. Then when the guests have left town your new office will be looking pretty swish! 

LA Floor Tiles

#4 Perfect your pantry
It is the season to be jolly so get your food shop on and fill your cupboards. If you are fortunate enough to have the space for a utility room why not update this area of your home to accommodate pantry style extra food storage. Something you will use over the festive period and beyond. Don’t just tile splashbacks but whole walls which will make the cleaning up afterwards very easy, no bin splashes on painted walls and certainly no water/grease stains on walls from hot pans in the sink.

Chipboard Effect Wall Tiles 

#5 Make extra storage solutions belong
… With Bologna. If you have invested in extra storage solutions for bathrooms, then why not make the addition more permanent and tile backdrops so that your new storage looks more at home. Our Bologna tiles are all in stock so ready when you are!
Bologna Pattern Wall Tiles

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